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POSTPONED - Black Isle Partnership - Black Isle Wellbeing Week

24 May 2021

This event has had to be postponed, but we hope to be  able to run it or a similar event in the autumn.

[A week's programme consisting of three conference-style half-day sessions plus two evening live-streamed 'broadcasts' is being worked up by a steering group. The themes for the daytime sessions are: Looking Out For Our Young People, Taking Care of the Vulnerable (developing a befriending scheme), and Looking After Ourselves (promoting good mental health). The evening sessions will be a fun and informative insight into a range of examples of activities run by local groups that support positive health and wellbeing.]

In the meantime if you'd like to find out more, or are willing to get involved with helping to make the event a success drop us a line


Wellbeing is at the heart of the Strategy for a Self-reliant Black Isle, so it is appropriate this project is officially at the forefront of our work over the coming months and years. 


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.